China’s Sexual Wellness Market

China's Sexual Wellness Market

Have you ever wondered how China’s evolving attitudes towards sexual wellness are reshaping the market and igniting a revolution of desire and innovation?

From ancient philosophies to modern lifestyles, the dynamics of intimacy are evolving in the world’s most populous nation. Join us on a captivating journey as we delve into the thriving and transformative world of China’s sexual wellness market, where tradition meets technology and passion meets progress.

The Changing Face of China’s Attitude Towards Sex

In the past, Chinese society tended to be conservative when it came to talking about and expressing sexuality. But in recent years, things have shifted. A few key factors have played a big role in making people more open-minded about this topic. These include exposure to global ideas, easier access to information thanks to the internet, and more people living in cities.

The Younger Generation Leading the Way

Young people in China are driving this change. They now prioritize their own happiness and well-being more than traditional ideas about getting married. They want to take control of their lives and find joy and fulfillment in all parts of life.

What’s Happening Now

  • Talking More About Sex: In the past, talking about things like sexual pleasure, consent, and sexual health was considered off-limits. But now, these topics are more commonly discussed in public.
  • A Growing Market: There’s a growing market for products and services related to sexual wellness. More people are looking for things like adult toys, contraceptives, and sexual health supplements.
  • Accepting Different Relationships: People are becoming more open to relationships that don’t fit the traditional mold. This includes living together without being married, LGBTQ+ relationships, and open relationships. However, it’s important to note that even though acceptance is growing, there are still some challenges because of old societal rules and legal restrictions.
  • Feminist Movements: Feminists in China are working hard to make sure that women have the same rights as men and can make their own choices about their bodies and relationships. They are challenging old ideas that put men in charge and making people feel good about their bodies.

As China continues to change its views on sex, it’s creating a mix of old and new ideas. This makes for a complex and ever-changing society that reflects the different desires and dreams of its people.

The Chinese Society’s Mindset

Talking about sex in China is taboo in many instances and the lack of sexual education is staggering. Thus, contributing to the fact that many Chinese consumers are not very knowledgeable on the topics.

In fact, the lack of information among Chinese citizens is the biggest barrier between them and sexual wellness. That can stem from growing up in a conservative or religious household where shame may be associated with sex.

Marriage: A Prerequisite for Chinese Citizens

First of all, marriage has been considered for a long time as a prerequisite in the life of Chinese citizens. Men and women have to find their ‘life partner’. For example, pre-marital sexual relations are only getting more acceptable now.

As parents want to find the best match for their child, it is common to see parents in parks, writing flyers with their child’s personal information (height, work, income, university, age, hukou, etc.) and looking at the same time for the best party.

The One-child Policy: A Major Policy in China’s History

The one-child policy has had a major impact on the ratio of men and women in China, which still favors baby boys to girls. This imbalance is opening up markets for sex toy producers with products such as the infamous love dolls that are now quite “popular” among Chinese singles who want companionship without any strings attached.

Traditional Values are Evolving

The era during which people were “feeling uncomfortable when talking about sex” or even ashamed of thinking about it, is slowly fading away. In recent years, China has been at the core of shackles in terms of conservative cultural concepts and traditional values from their ancestors. While Chinese grandparents are extremely reticent to talk about it openly, young Chinese are much more open-minded. This phenomenon is mainly due to globalization, cultural exchange, and their discovery of the world, as well as social media.

As the adult industry started later in China, it was difficult to increase market volume and overall development has been slow. But that doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything about it! The state’s supervision of sex industries has also gone through a process from prohibition to strict management and control then finally benign guidance for sustainable growth.

Exploring China’s Sexual Wellness Market: Key Numbers and Insights

As of 2023, the adult product sector within China’s market is poised to exceed an impressive 179.43 billion yuan in value, marking a substantial increase from 160.96 billion yuan recorded in 2021.

Notably, a significant portion of these adult products found their way into consumers’ hands through online channels. This remarkable growth in China’s sexual wellness market, particularly within the adult product category, can be attributed to several factors.

One prominent catalyst for this expansion is the rapid digitalization of commerce. By harnessing the power of digital platforms, sellers have been able to reach a wider audience and elevate their brand presence, resulting in a substantial boost in overall revenue.

Furthermore, a collaborative effort with government agencies to raise awareness about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) has played a vital role. Increased contraceptive use and a surge in the popularity of sexual education have contributed to a more informed and responsible approach to intimate health.

What’s particularly noteworthy is the changing tide of acceptance, especially in traditionally conservative regions like East Asia. This shift is driven by the growing acceptance of sexual wellness products, particularly among women. As societal norms evolve, so does the demand for products and information that cater to individuals’ intimate well-being.

Buying Trends and Frequencies

According to the following data, we can see the frequency of Chinese consumers in different marital and love states when purchasing sexual products.

Now, if we look at the frequency of Chinese consumers buying sexual products, almost half the population has never bought sexual products, while 20% on average are purchasing sexual products at least once a month.

In terms of age group, we can see that 32% of consumers purchasing adult toys were aged between 31-35 years old, followed by consumers under 30 which accounted for 31% of the market share.

Sex Toys in China: A Growing and Very Lucrative Industry

Masturbatory products, sexual accessories, condoms, massage gels, lubricants… Recently in China, as adults’ attitudes toward sex and sex toys are quickly evolving, the enthusiasm for sex toys is slowly being ignited. The Chinese adult toy market has huge potential thanks to its burgeoning increase in recent years. During the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, one of the fastest-growing sectors was the sex toy industry in China.

It is estimated that China has 900 million sexually active people, and 93% of the sex toy sales come from young adults aged under 35.

China has been experiencing a recent boom in its sex toy market. This can be traced to an increase in startups and consumers demanding more products for their “pleasure” needs. Even though China is currently the largest exporter of sex toys in the world, accounting for 70% of available sex toys, they’re now reorienting their market on importation to meet the increasing demand from the domestic market looking for high-quality products.

Chinese Herbs for Sexual Wellness

Traditional Chinese medicines always had a focus on sexual wellness which ranges from solving erectile dysfunction (impotence) to dealing with reduced sexual energy. Unlike prescription drugs like Viagra which mainly focus on the genitals to stimulate an erection, Chinese herbal medicines aim to build the body’s overall health so that an active sexual life naturally follows.

According to traditional medicine, health problems are related to physiological problems from different parts of the body. Thus, the best way to solve erection issues, for example, is to focus on the kidney. Several Chinese herbal medicines are well respected for nourishing the kidney, according to Yin and Yang.

All Chinese herbal medicine is extremely easy to find and compared to sexual products, they are not portrayed badly and people using them have nothing to be ashamed of when buying them.

Cultivating Niche (but Expanding) Segments in the Sexual Wellness Market

  • Male Performance enhancers such as testosterone pills
  • High-end toys are making their way into the market
  • Cosmetics and creams such as cooling gel.
  • Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: This is a common issue encountered by Chinese men, an issue that stems from a lifestyle that often is not healthy (binge drinking, cigarettes, lack of sleep, intense pressure from work and society to be a provider for the family and so on)
  • Innovative products: Technology (such as AI) has had a profound impact on sexual wellness and this is showing in the growth of the market. One example is sex dolls, which are manufactured with artificial intelligence to give them more human-like qualities that we can only dream about.

What Are the Preferred Adult Products Among Male Consumers?

The rise in consumption of adult items is also linked to the “mainstream fiction” of online shopping. It is a lot easier to order such products online rather than to find a physical store that sells such items. You can easily find lubricants, condoms, and even some sex toys in convenience stores but the range of products is rather limited.

Among Chinese male shoppers, masturbators were the most popular sex items on e-commerce platforms, taking up 81% of male adult product sales on Tmall and Taobao, followed by sex dolls.

Female Pleasure Enhancer: A Booming Industry

Women have long been considered only as a secondary market in a male-centered industry. However, in recent years, women have gained confidence and freedom to explore their sexual preferences, which has led to an increase in female-focused products available on online platforms for example.

For female consumers, lingerie and clitoral stimulation products are the most popular sex items on Tmall and Taobao. In 2019, the sales value of lingerie accounted for 57.6% of female adult product sales on these two platforms, followed by anal toys.

It is worth mentioning that lubricants formulated towards women’s well-being are also on the rise.

Challenges on the Chinese Market for Foreign Brands

A Rise in Counterfeiting

It is news to no one, that China has a counterfeit issue, and brands selling products targeted at adults are as much a victim of the practice as luxury bag brands are. The difference is that a counterfeited luxury bag is only to the detriment of the brand, fake condoms can have dramatic consequences.

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to protect your products from being copied, but you can protect yourself by registering your brand and product’s trademark to the right authorities in China.

At present, most of the products on the Chinese market are low-end products, and there is a lack of private labels. Besides the distribution channels and marketing strategies, from the beginning, it is vital to ensure the quality of your adult’s products, not only for your customer’s safety and satisfaction but also because the segment for premium products is gaining more and more traction.

The State of Sex Education in China

As a matter of fact, compared to Western countries where children are learning about this topic during biology classes, sex education, as well as child sexual development, is hugely neglected in China. The lack of sex education comes from both family and school as it is still considered taboo, and even shameful for some.

The Chinese Government Against Sexual Goods

The Chinese government’s conservative stance on sexual products and strict censorship regulations pose challenges for brands in their marketing and promotional efforts. These limitations can result in advertising and content restrictions, potentially leading to fines or limited access to specific platforms.

Seizing Opportunities: Tailoring Products for the Chinese Market

Despite the expanding market, a prevailing negative perception of sexual wellness products persists within Chinese society. Some view these items as conflicting with traditional Chinese values, associating them with Western culture or even prostitution.

Effectively navigating the Chinese sexual wellness market demands astute awareness of these challenges. Brands must emphasize product quality, engage in comprehensive market research, and collaborate with experienced agencies well-versed in local intricacies and regulations. Although it presents complexities, the enticing potential of the Chinese market makes it an irresistible opportunity for those willing to comprehend and adjust to its distinctive dynamics.

How to Sell Sexual Wellness and Adult Products in China?

Under the influence of traditional culture, the number of people entering the store is very limited. The rising use of e-commerce platforms has solved the pain point of “privacy” for users, and the advantages that traditional offline operators have gained by virtue of their channel status have been replaced by e-commerce websites.

Therefore, you can sell your sex toys in two ways: offline distribution and online e-commerce. Offline selling consists of sex toy shops, convenience stores, and supermarkets. It is a traditional way, even though its market share has been surpassed by online sales, but it still exists in China for now.

The rise of the Internet has led to more people purchasing their goods online. E-commerce is a popular way for adult toys, such as vibrators and other sex aids, to be sold because it offers convenience and secrecy.

As for online sales, B2C e-commerce is the most common and most competitive model. Competitors can be divided into three major categories:

  • Large-scale comprehensive e-commerce;
  • Vertical adult product e-commerce;
  • Traditional medicine e-commerce.

The Dominance of Online Platforms for Adult Product Distribution in China

According to a survey about adult product customers, nearly 70% of respondents said they were purchasing adult products on e-commerce platforms such as Taobao. Around 32% of respondents were purchasing offline.

Tmall: A Wide Variety of Products

Tmall is a subsidiary of the e-commerce website Taobao. It was founded in 2008 under Alibaba and specializes in Business-to-Consumer transactions, mainly focusing on mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Tmall has strict standards related to quality control which sets it apart from its competitors which sets it apart from many other local competitors.

With a strong reputation, Tmall has been dominating China’s eCommerce world for years now and is a privileged platform by adult toy and sexual wellness brands.

However, platforms like and Tmall mostly work with high-quality products and brands that already have a good reputation in China. The sexual wellness products you’ll find on Tmall are most of the time from well-known brands internationally and locally.

Brick-and-Mortar Stores: Still a Taboo in China?

In 1993, the first sex shop in mainland China was opened in Beijing. At that time, some customers hurriedly left their money and walked out without change after shopping because they were “shy”. People felt so awkward when purchasing in retail shops. Even decades later, Chinese consumers are still shy to purchase directly in brick-and-mortar stores. Thus, they are much more confident and reassured when buying online, without receiving judgment from others.

Apart from traditional e-commerce websites, China’s largest adult product chain brand Jusechengren (‘Orange Adult’ ) decided to break through the mist of secret in the adult product industry for many years, establishing the online platform “Jusechengren.”

How to Gain Chinese Consumers’ Trust?

The Chinese market is the most digitalized in the world with over 989 million people connected to it. Not only are they engaged online, but on average spend six hours a day using their phone! The internet has opened a new world of opportunity for those in China. Chinese consumers are using search engines and social media to find out more about products before making their purchase decisions, which means that businesses need to be creative with the way they advertise online if they want an edge over competitors.

If you want to sell sexual wellness products in China, you’ll have to promote your brand effectively on the most popular online websites, and social media, create your own website, and collaborate with Chinese KOLs. Don’t forget that you are not the only one who wants to conquer Chinese consumers.

Enable Baidu SEO with a Chinese Mobile Friendly Website

The Chinese market is massive and to enter it you need a website in the language. Generating traffic of interest can be easier for people who have websites translated into Mandarin, meaning that they will not only reach more customers but also rank higher on Baidu search engines than companies without this investment.

Baidu is an opening window to enter the Chinese market as consumers will do their research on it in order to discover/learn more about your brand. If you are not visible on the first page of Baidu, then chances are that you won’t get much traffic which leads us back to why working with GMA’s SEO specialists for help could be beneficial and worth exploring further.

We have helped many companies increase successfully their rank on Baidu, gaining much traffic, and leading them to make more money by having a bigger customer base.

How to Promote Your Sexual Wellness Products in China?

Social Media: The Best Way to Attract Chinese Consumers’ Attention

WeChat: The Most Popular App in China

One billion monthly active users make WeChat the most popular messaging app in China. It also has a large ecosystem of services for companies to promote their products and services, with features such as live streaming; mini-programs, paid advertising or blog-like content, and so on.

WeChat is one of the leading social networks worldwide, ranking sixth in terms of active user number. It became a lucrative marketing platform with its plethora of different functionalities and was able to integrate almost all the features that made other successful networks so popular.

Weibo: Much More than a ‘Chinese Twitter’

With over 570 million users, Weibo is a popular social media platform in China. Launched by Sina Corporation in 2009 as an alternative to Twitter and Facebook, it quickly became one of the most ingrained ways for many people all across China to share their thoughts on anything from current events or pop culture trends to mundane updates about what they had eaten that day.

With the majority of foreign brands having an official account on Weibo, you will probably have to consider creating an official account on Weibo to promote your sexual wellness and adult products. To do so, you can contact us and our team will take care of it.

Xiaohongshu: The Leading App for Female Shoppers

Founded in 2013, Xiaohongshu (小红书) also known as ‘The Little Red Book’ and ‘RED,’ is a social media platform that connects its users with the latest beauty products. It has over 300 million registered users and 85 million monthly active users who can find anything from makeup to clothes on this site.

Xiaohongshu is not just a social media app, users can also purchase on it. As the leading Chinese platform for cosmetics and fashion products, Xiaohongsghu has 80% of its user base consisting mainly of young female consumers in China. Word-of-mouth marketing proves to be powerful with most product recommendations coming from KOLs.

Join the Wave: Collaborate with Us to Enter China’s Thriving Sexual Wellness Sector

The sexual wellness market in China is on an upward trajectory, poised for significant growth in the coming decades. Both local Chinese brands and international companies are quick to seize this opportunity by crafting products tailored to local preferences.

Innovations such as aphrodisiacs made from exotic mushrooms and ginseng drinks catering to women’s health needs are gaining popularity. While the potential for success is evident, there is also a pressing need to raise awareness and promote sexual well-being among the populace.

Contact GMA – Your Trusted Partner in China With nearly a decade of experience as a seasoned Digital Marketing Agency in China, we have successfully navigated the complexities of the Chinese market and facilitated the entry of numerous foreign brands.

Our track record of fruitful collaborations speaks to our commitment to helping brands establish a strong foothold in China. We take pride in our ability to assist brands in expanding their operations and reach within this dynamic market.

GMA services

If you’re interested in exploring the vast opportunities in China’s sexual wellness sector or have inquiries about the market landscape, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to provide prompt responses and valuable insights to propel your brand toward success in China.

Let’s embrace the potential of this flourishing industry and make a positive impact on sexual well-being awareness in the Chinese market. Contact us today, and we guarantee a response within 24 hours.

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