Top 10 Cyberwords in China


2. 元芳你怎么看 Yuan Fang, what do you think


元芳 你怎么看

Yuan Fang, what do you think


“Yuan Fang, what do you think” is a sentence from a popular TV soap “the amazing detective Di Renjie” where the leading role, detective Di, always asks his assistant “Yuan Fang”, “What do you think?”. It makes the leading role look like a naive officer, totally depending on his subordinates’ advice.

Now it’s used everywhere on the internet. When you see somebody post his opinion online, you will probably see somebody reply with “元芳你怎么看?”


3. 杜甫很忙 Du Fu Hen Mang



Du Fu Hen Mang


” Du Fu Hen Mang ” means Du Fu is busy. Du Fu was a prominent Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is such a great poet that his poems appear almost every year in the textbook of Chinese students. Some students like those poems while most people don’t like them because they have to recite those poems one after another. So many of them doodle on his image in their textbooks to release their dissatisfaction and talent. Then people discover he is “busy” with many things such as basketball, cycling, and so on.

Then starting with Du Fu, other celebrities from a textbook or even web celebrities become “busy”, too.


4. 高富帅,白富美 Gao Fu Shuai, Bai Fu Mei



Gao Fu Shuai

The literal meaning of “高富帅, 白富美” is “tall rich handsome, white rich pretty”. “Gao Fu Shuai” is used for a man and “Bai Fu Mei” is used to describe a female. According to Chinese people’s taste, height, wealth and a handsome face is the symbol of nobility for men and a white face, wealth and beauty is the character of a high-class woman.

But Chinese netizens would like to use these terms to describe “Fuerdai” (the rich second generation) who get a lot of money from their parents. Netizens use those terms to keep themselves away from those rich high-class people or their extravagant life and to show their satisfaction with what they are now.


5. 矮矬穷 Ai Cuo Qiong


Ai Cuo Qiong


Contrary to “Gao Fu Shuai” or “Bai Fu Mei”, “Ai Cuo Qiong” refers to people who are “short, ugly and poor”. It was used by a big percentage of netizens who have not so much interest to become “Gao Fu Shuai” and claim themselves as “Ai Cuo Qiong” to show that “Ai Cuo Qiong” have also their own lives.


6. 你幸福吗 Ni Xing Fu Ma


— Ni Xing Fu Ma?
— My surname is Zeng.[/caption]


“Ni Xing Fu Ma”, which means “are you happy?” is from a CCTV street interview. The journalists just go on the street and ask random people this “stupid question” as many netizens say. It’s just another meaningless program from CCTV on the way to be forgotten until one construction worker answered “My surname is not Fu, but Zeng” with a serious face. (Ni Xing Fu Ma can also mean is your surname “Fu”)

Then people began to use this question massively with a sense of humor and their scorn against the boring program from CCTV.


7. 躺着也中枪 Tang Zhe Ye Zhong Qiang



The meaning of “Tang Zhe Ye Zhong Qiang” is “lying on the ground and get shot”, a famous line from a comedy movie, it refers to people who have extremely bad luck to get shot, evening doing nothing but lying on the ground as a dead body.

When people say that, they probably want to say, “I got fucked even doing nothing!” For example, when Qihoo is in a fight with Baidu, Baidu users discover that they cannot open their Baidu accounts as easily as before, they can say “Tang Zhe Ye Zhong Qiang”.


8. 给跪了 Gei Guil Le



“Gei Guil Le”, Kneel down for (you, it…) is another popular online catchword in 2012. In ancient times, the Chinese only knelt down for God or people who conquer or overwhelm them, but now they are willing to kneel down for more people online for stupidity or crazy fantastic things.


9. 碉堡了 Diao Bao Le

Jay Chow

Jay Chow


What Chinese netizens will use when they want to say ”super-crazy!”? They will say “屌爆了” which means “penis-exploding awesome”. However, “penis” is so harmonious according to most website administrators, so they employ a new homonym “碉堡了” which means “Bunker”.

It becomes famous as a tag of Jay Chow, a famous pop singer from Taiwan. But like most unharmonious words said by celebrities, “碉堡了” goes popular.


10. 查水表 Cha Shui Biao


Cha Shui Biao


“Cha Shui Biao”, literally “Check water-meter!” is a new way of saying that this content is against censorship and the poster can be taken away by the policeman.

At the beginning of this year, some people were taken away by police because of posting censorship content online. So many netizens became over-worried and always reminded others of being careful with the censorship, or they will get punished. And from a TV comedy, policemen try to enter a suspected guy’s home smoothly by pretending to be people who check the water meter. Then it becomes kind of kind way to remind others of being careful with censorship.

Here are the top 10 cyber words spotted on Chinese social media: 屌丝 Diaosi, 元芳你怎么看 Yuan Fang, what do you think, 杜甫很忙 Du Fu Hen Mang, 高富帅,白富美 Gao Fu Shuai, Bai Fu Mei, 矮矬穷 Ai Cuo Qiong, 你幸福吗 Ni Xing Fu Ma, 躺着也中枪 Tang Zhe Ye Zhong Qiang, 给跪了 Gei Guil Le, 碉堡了 Diao Bao Le, 查水表 Cha Shui Biao.


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