The best online campaign for the Jewelry brands in China

Discover the best Marketing Campaign for Jewelry Brands China . For a long time and even today, many professional luxury brands thought it was impossible for them to exist on Internet. The great influence the Internet period in the daily lives of the public causes a change of mind for many luxury brands such as watches, jewelry , etc. The delay of luxury brands in the adoption of digital media has been much induced in recent years. The brands realize the importance of the communication campaign online for their brand awareness and image. So they are no more mystery to the public, but begin to close the distance with the public and show their elegance and value to the world.

Two brands of the most popular jewelry in China

The two jewelery brands that are the most popular in China are Cartier and Tiffany & Co. The targets of these two hearts are young couples, especially women.

Previously, most Chinese know these two brand through some movies or stars. Now the two brands, like almost all the others brands, begin their online campaigns, in the social medias, mainly in the form of a small film.

L’Odyssey de Cartier

2 years! This is the time it took to complete the Odyssey. Rarely a commercial advertisement of 3 minutes 30 will need such an investment. Through the journey of the iconic panther, the symbol of Cartier since 1904, the viewers navigates between dream and reality and rediscover the founding inspirations for the brand. Subtly, Cartier carries us in his history, consisting of design as the famous Tank brand , and places like the Grand Palace, St. Petersburg , China, and India.

It is really an online campaign with great success.

Panther has left its mark:

– More than 6 million video views on YouTube

– Almost 2,000 comments and more than 4,000 shares on Facebook

– The fallen web press endless

The number of videos watched are not only limited to the Cartier chain on YouTube. Countless video views had to be generated directly from the website on the Odyssey benefiting from its SEM campaigns, relays of web magazines and others.

What Makes True Love – the remarkable campaign of Tiffany

tifanyBased on the concept of the art of love and romance, Tiffany & Co uses this simple human attribute to create a universe full of emotional sensitivity. It is a highly immersing virtual environment, consisting of rich content, impressive visuals that propose this campaign of a “cool” video, in which some real people and children speak of true love and tell their romantic story; some text of the advice by experienced couples; useful tips for finding beautiful romantic places, including restaurants, gardens and museums; the video of a fake marriage that makes us melt the heart, accompanied by the legendary song and sweet voice of Barry White ” You’re The First , The Last, My Everything “; an interactive love card, etc. This site is a true romantic gem. It brightens the faces of a smile, but it is also very touching, touching probably the most important element for the luxury brands: the emotional connection with people.

This campaign called “What makes love true” is available on the web as well as an iPhone application (available free here). The concept of the site and the application is simple, to offer the users a collection of beautiful love and a guide to the most romantic places stories … In terms of navigation, the site and the iPhone application are divided into 4 sections according to a menu at the top left of each page: ” Love Stories “, ” Tiffany’s New York , “The Art of Romance ,  and ” Love Is Everywhere”.

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